Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Killzone 3 beta, Crysis 2 360 exclusive demo(multiplayer)

On february 2, your mind will blow... killzone 3's open multiplayer beta is on fuckers:D The general system is really good. Its alot more faster and the class system is great. All the fails are fixed, like aming with r3... siriusly what the fuck! well those bullshit gameplay is now gone, for sure. But we have to wait the game that comes out fabruary 23.

Crysis 2 beta for 360... the great campaing and system is now online. But there is a lack of gameplay and its very annoying. Other then that everything is great. Class system upgrades perks and stuff are great. But why only 360. I mean ofcourse if they want they can do it, dont care but ea is a sony fan company. And crytek is a pc fan conpany... what the fuck with 360. Anyway happy for 360 players:D

Bulletstorm demo is out. A 1200 mb demo is a big packge. And it is fun as hell:D but when you think that all the game is like that. I mean it can get boring but who knows right.

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