Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Xbox kinect bundel

Xbox has confirmed the 4 gb kinect bundel, and it costs 300 dollars. We'll its pretty expensive, Sony confirmed that Move will be less then 100 dollars. But if you want to buy ONLY the Kinect you can just pay 150 dollars. Its a fine value.

With Sony touting the fact that the PS Move motion-control system will support such titles as SOCOM 4 and Killzone 3, Greenberg also addressed how Kinect will support hardcore gaming. He said that Kinect development kits "were in the hands" of many studios known for core gaming and that the system "had the potential" to be used in conjunction with a controller

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Sony has new alliances, New xbox, PS plus

Ubisoft, EA and Take 2 is now friends with sony. Sony offered a much hight value of payment so after this agreement all the demos and ps3 gameplay videos will be showed on ps3. And all the add-ons too. So yeah microsoft is really fucked right now.

New xbox is on,the xbox 's' has hit the stores with a lot of upgrades. Smaller, faster, no sound, less 'red ring of death'(yeah there still be xbox deaths), 5 usb plug-ins, touch buttons and much much more sexy.

The non-free psStore. İts better then it seems, for only 10 dollars for a mouth u can get lots of games and themes free or with a super discount. There was a game that costs 13 dollars, and its free with plus. Choice is yours, if u dont buy too many games then fuck it. But if u do then its a very cool thing.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Infamous 2 and the new Cole

As allways E3 had many suprises for us. Killzone 3's 3D gameplay, Portal 2, MGS: Rising, Halo's space fight, Gears of War's new multiplayer elements. But right now the MOST suprising game for me is infamous 2. Destructible environments, new powers, new parkour elements, cinematic melee scenes and ofcourse new cole. Yes he look completely different and his voice has changed too. Some people dont like new cole but there only couse is hes just different then old cole. New cole has tatoos and some hair. Hes more sympathetic and original. Well i really like him:D

The game is just more and more. Better graphics, better engine, better music and better better. So well just wait for it. It definitely comes out on 2011. The mouth changes but they said june. So we need to see the new karma engine and online(i hope) gameplay:D