Thursday, 16 July 2009


Sony's new psp iscoming. It can connect to internet from any wireless hotspot. You can go to psn or play games online. It have a slide-open sytem which is cool couse there is more bottons.

Its very small, smaller than the old psp but the price is same as xbox. I hope they cut-off the price a littel bit. I mean a portable console cant be same as an home console. Or can it...

Details: it'll have a 3.8" display, 16GB of flash storage, a Memory Stick slot, and Bluetooth. It'll be "43 percent lighter" than the current PSP, support handset tethering, and integrate well with Sony's PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation Network. New Gran Turismo, Little Big Planet and Metal Gear Solid titles will launch it.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009


I think prototype is one of the best action-adventure, open-world game. The bad think is there is no online mode. So if you want to play it for a long time, you have to unlock some trophies for a real challenge. I write some of them, these are the trophies that you have to unlock them that your first play:

1.Achieve a rating of Gold or better in all Events.

2.Consume 200 characters to boost your health.

3.Use the Upgrade Menu to acquire an Upgrade.

4.Complete Story Mode on hard difficulty.

5.Infiltrate 10 Military Bases disguised as a Commander

6.Patsy 5 military personnel.

7.seize 50 vehicles from enemy hands.

8.Gain the ability to drive and fly all vehicles.

9.Shoot down 50 helicopters while driving armor.

10.Destroy 10 Military Bases or Infected Hives in New York City.

11.Unlock the Web of Intrigue.

12.Destroy 25 strike teams.

13.Acquire all available upgrades.

14.Acquire all nodes of the Web of Intrigue.

15.Finish the game on any difficulty(7 trophies)

22/40 trophies

click here to see all of the trophie